All of the creative ways to share your Spotify tracks
Being the largest music streaming platform in the world has its perks when it comes to cross-platform sharing. Spotify makes it super easy to share your music and the music you love with friends and follower on Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and more.
Before you get sharing, make sure your artist profile is on point. Here’s how to customise and share your artist profile.
Whether it’s promoting a new album, pointing out a new remix or showing off a milestone in plays, sharing your music across your social pages is the easiest way to get a reasonable amount of free promo. We make sharing all of the places your music lives easy, with Fan Links. Spotify also give you many creative and interactive ways to share your music on socials from your mobile.
Instagram Stories

Find any song, album, artist profile or playlist on Spotify. Locate the three dots “…”, tap ‘Share’, then ‘Instagram Stories’. This will open the Instagram app and create a Story with the artwork or profile picture. Position it where you like, add captions, drawings or additional stickers by swiping up. Unfortunately, Spotify do not add a track preview to the Story, nor can you attach a song in the usual way. However, once posted viewers will see a ‘Play on Spotify’ link in the top left corner.
Facebook Stories (with audio preview)

Sharing on Facebook Stories is very similar to Instagram, but despite being owned by the same company, the peaks are slightly different. Find any song, album, artist profile or playlist on Spotify. Locate the three dots “…”, tap ‘Share’, ‘Facebook’, then ‘Facebook Stories’. This will open the Facebook app and create a Story with the artwork or profile picture. If you’ve shared a track, a 15-second preview will automatically be added also. From here you can customise to your heart’s content. Viewer will be able to ‘Play on Spotify’ via the link. This feature is currently only available on Facebook profiles and not pages.

Find any song, album, artist profile or playlist on Spotify. Locate the three dots “…”, tap ‘Share’, then ‘Snapchat’. This will open the Snapchat app and create a post with the artwork or profile picture. Customise and share. Viewers will be able to swipe up to listen on Spotify.
Spotify Codes

Spotify’s QR-style Codes are the easiest way to share music account-to-account in person. Find any song, album, artist profile or playlist on Spotify. Locate the three dots “…”. This will display the artwork or profile picture with what looks like a sound wave below. This is scannable code. Tap to enlarge, then tap ‘SAVE TO PHOTOS’ to share it digitally. From here you can post or print the photo anywhere, such as flyers, posters or stickers. All your recipient needs to do to scan it is open the Spotify app, tap ‘Search’ at the bottom twice, then the camera icon in the top right corner. Simply point the phone at the code and it will immediately start to play.
Canvas on Instagram Stories

Spotify Canvas are those three-eight second visual loops that play in the background of some tracks on Spotify. You can join the waiting list to experiment adding your own to your tracks. If you’re lucky enough to have Spotify Canvas on your tracks, you can share them with the visuals on Instagram Stories. Open the Spotify for Artists app, tap ‘Share’ on the track. Your Canvas will loop in the background of your Story, with a ‘Play on Spotify’ link to the full track as usual.
Personalized Editorial Playlists

Editorial Playlists are hand picked genre and mood based playlists from Spotify. The playlist’s order is tailored to each listener. The unique link Spotify provides ensures your track is top of the playlist. Head to the Spotify for Artists app, tap the ‘Music’ tab, choose any song to bring up the individual track page, then tap the ‘Playlists’ tab. This shows a list of all playlists the track has been added to in the last seven days. Tap ‘COPY UNIQUE LINK’ and paste anywhere. Anyone opening the link will see your track at number one for 24 hours.
New Music Friday

With 3.7 million followers, getting your music on New Music Friday could change your career forever. You’ll get a notification from Spotify for Artists should you be included. This will link you to a personalised social-sharing card as above. Post this everywhere.
To customise and share your user profile, click here.
To submit your music to Spotify’s playlists, click here.
To get a pre-save link to your music on Spotify, click here.