Following shock and upset from artists as one of their most crucial statistic filters went away, Spotify are back and better than ever.

Last week, we reported that it seemed Spotify had silently dropped the filter for artists’ last 24 hour streams. Artists took to social media and Reddit to verify that it was missing for others too.

The removal of the filter meant that artists could no longer see their overall streaming statistics for the last 24 hours in their artists platform Spotify for Artists. Spotify responded to concerns saying that whilst they had removed the feature for overall stats, users could still see the data for the past 24 hours on individual songs.

Artists weren’t happy with that. However, thankfully Spotify have listened to the outcry. In an announcement made on social media, Spotify confirmed that they were bringing back the 24 hour filter, and had even made it better.

Shared on Spotify for Artists’ Instagram Broadcast channel

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