RouteNote helps thousands of independent artists and labels publish their entire back catalogue of music on top streaming services and stores.

How can RouteNote help you? With end-to-end tools for music publishing, marketing and monetizing, we can help with all things post music production.

Music Publishing

RouteNote can get your music on to all major streaming services and stores such as Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, YouTube Music, Amazon Music, Deezer, Tidal and many more. With easy upload, store/territory customization and fast moderation times, you can have your music around the world in days.

Once you’re music picks up pace, statistics and revenue will appear in your RouteNote account. Stats breakdown exactly how many streams and downloads your music has gained in the course of a month and how that translates to revenue. Payments are securely made into your PayPal account.


Our partner site gives artists three easy promotional tools, that makes marketing easy. Fan Links lets you share one URL that contains links to all stores, streaming services and social site that your music lives on. Pre-saves on Spotify, Apple Music and Deezer lets fans save your music in advance, come release day, your new music will automatically appear in their library. Content Unlocks lets you reward fans for social actions, for example a Like on Facebook, Subscribe on YouTube, and Retweet on Twitter can be exchanged for a free download of your new music.

All tools are fully customisable and campaigns performance gives you valuable in-depth data on your fan engagement.


Once your music is on all major platforms around the world and social media, you can generate revenue from the plays and views your music gets on YouTube, SoundCloud, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. Earn money from your music featured on your own and others videos on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. Get your music on Facebook Stories, Instagram Stories and TikTok. Monetize your existing catalogue on SoundCloud.


What’s better than all of these tools? Getting them for free!

With two simple pricing structures, you are always in control of how your music generates revenue. Free Distribution allows you to publish your music and monetize on socials free of fees and monthly costs. You keep 85% of all revenue generated. Premium Distribution allows you to keep 100% of the revenue for a small fee and recurring yearly cost.

Change your mind? No problem, you remain in control of your music at all times. RouteNote will never lock you in. also operates from two pricing models: pricing
Head to RouteNote today to get started.