Parent company Alphabet reports on YouTube’s quarterly earnings. At an all-time high, up 84% year-over-year, YouTube exceeded projections.

Alphabet reports YouTube’s ad revenue at a record $7 billion. After Q1 2021’s revenue of $6 billion, this quarter YouTube was expected to be around $6.37 billion. YouTube’s Q2 2021 ad revenue is up 84% year-over-year and could reach as much as $10 billion per quarter next year.

YouTube’s ad revenue currently represents around 11% of the record-high $61.9 billion their parent company Alphabet recently reported. Alphabet’s Q2 2021 earnings were previously projected to be $56.16 billion. Overall, Alphabet reported earnings per share of $27.26, greatly exceeding the $19.34 projected.

Alphabet and Google CEO Sundar Pichai also touched on the impressive view-count of their short-form TikTok competitor YouTube Shorts.

Find out how your music can start to benefit from YouTube’s ad revenue here.