Image credit: Edward Cisneros

Make your next big music release memorable, earn more revenue, and grow your streams with a release launch show.

So it’s time for a new release, the big day is approaching and you need to do something special to mark it and boost your audience. Don’t let your new drop fall on death ears, instead play a launch show and get ears on to your music.

It’s one of the best ways to build hype in the lead up to your release, giving fans something on top of the release itself to look forward to and then a big musical celebration to mark the release day.

Here are three reasons (with tips) why you should have a launch party for your next release.

Stream a launch show from home

Image credit: Heshan Perera

A live, in-person show is a great event but it might not be realistic for you. In the digital age, your audience could be spread all over the world. So, where on earth would you choose to host your launch show?

COVID helped us prove that home concerts are not only possible, but a massive success! Livestreamed and pre-recorded concerts have seen massive successes with major artists dropping numerous concerts online, even now we can meet up in person again.

Whether you’re looking to do the whole thing live or you want to pre-record a set and release it online when the release day comes, there are options. Build the hype online by promoting it on your socials. Share a time, date and the platforms that you’ll be streaming on.

Kero Kero Bonito are a great example of an artist who has recorded home concerts, even going so far as to not even being in the same room as their bandmates. As a result, they have a number of successful videos on their channel doing gigs from home. The possibilities truly are endless!

They also prove that camera quality and a great setting aren’t everything, just ensure the sound is good and that you bring the energy. And of course, make sure to play your big new hit(s)!

Earn more revenue from launch shows

A launch show boosts your chance to earn, not just by increasing the listens on your new release. By selling tickets to your event you’ll earn money off of the hype of your new release for every fan who wants to be there.

Image credit: Vitaly Taranov

It’s just not ticket sales that will earn you money, shows are a great excuse to sell your music the good old fashioned way. If it’s an in-person concert then you can sell physical CDs, vinyls, even cassettes (yes, people still buy them!). In addition, load up on merch like t-shirts and hats to get fans taking away a souvenir that also spreads your image far and wide.

If you’re having a digital show, plug your channels to digital stores for physical purchases or places where fans can purchase your music for digital download. This makes it that little bit more personal than a stream. Use Reward Links on to give fans who turn up to your digital concert a little extra something for being there.

Build your fanbase with launch shows

Image credit: Anthony DELANOIX

Growing your audience is probably the hardest part of becoming a successful artist. Everything you can do to boost your visibility and reach new listeners will help your career.

Having a concert, whether in-person or digital, is a fantastic way to build your audience. As hype builds for it, others will get swept up along. Friends will tell friends, people will be in the area of your in-person gig or be scrolling and see your promo for your digital concert.

An excellent way to boost your visibility with concerts is to bring along other artists to play with you. Having a support act of someone whose music is similar to yours will give their fans a reason to come along and check you out. Likewise, you’ll help them to grow with your fans. And you’ll both create an unforgettable event together.

Check out some of our other articles on boosting your artist profile below.