Image credit: KAL VISUALS

Tips and tricks to make a great music video without the big budget of a label behind you.

Everyone loves a music video. It’s a great way to stamp your music release as an important track, getting it shared on your channels. It gives a chance to connect with fans beyond the music, expressing your art visually and making something engaging.

Making a music video can seem intimidating, but it doesn’t need to be! We’re going to walk you through some crucial advice to ensure that even on a budget of zero, you can make something authentic and exciting to release.

How to save on recording equipment

You may be wondering what sort of video camera you should use to record your music with – and how much it’s going to set you back! Well guess what, you don’t even need to get a video camera!

The cameras on our phones are now so high quality that you may even be better off using it than getting a budget video recorder. Now, there are limitations to using a phone but we’re on a budget here.

Having a full battery and a steady hand mean you can record numerous shots that look great and you don’t even need to carry any equipment around with you.

Image credit: Hendri Sabri

If you are looking to go for a video camera then there are hundred of second hand options that are cheap and great. Some of the older handheld Panasonic’s are fantastic for an easy-to-use, cheap video recorder.

Look for HD cameras to ensure it meets modern standards and you’re set. Or, if you don’t get a HD camera then create something stylised so that the low quality actually plays a part of the aesthetic you’re creating.

GoPros also offer good quality and a unique wide angle look. Some older GoPros are available at good prices used, and there are also a plethora of knock off versions that work surprisingly well for incredibly cheap.

Image credit: Talles Alves

Sound equipment? Who needs it. You’re setting your video to your music already. If you do want to feature audio then your phone will suffice for a homemade aesthetic.

If you’re looking for better sound quality, try using the microphone in phone earphones. A lot of manufacturer’s own-brand earphones, like Apple, have a decent mic that you can hold close for speech.

How to get actors for free

As a music artist you have a wealth of people willing to help you out already. Your fanbase!

Ask your fans to come and join you for the recording of your video, they will probably jump at the chance. It not only provides you with people to feature in your video for free, but provides a deeper connection to the fanbase that will no doubt only increase their loyalty to your music.

Image credit: Priscilla Du Preez

If your fanbase isn’t close enough to get involved then it’s time to take a look closer to home and get friends and family involved. Ultimately, filming a music video is fun and you can simply go and have a good time, recording it all the way.

Depending on the vibe you’re going for in your video, the more fun you have the more authentic the mood that you may end up creating in the clips.

What kind of music video to make

If you’re making a budget music video then its good to plan realistically. You may want to do something dramatic, superimpose special effects, create powerful scenes – but its going to be very hard to do that.

The great thing is, a humble video of handheld footage can look really good! Use your limitations to your advantage to create something that is stylised. Montage footage looks good and playing with the format by overlaying scenes can create a unique aesthetic. It’s a look that has been used by many major artists.

Handicam style footage is great and with some simple editing magic you can create something that leans into your limited resources to make something special.

Image credit: Natalie Parham

You should consider asking someone to record your next gig. Footage of fans dancing around and of you playing whilst exuding energy makes for great clips. You could edit these in to your video during climaxes for an explosive moment, or simply slip them in to bulk out your shots.

Experiment and see what works. Ensure you film more than what you need.

How to edit your music video for free

Thankfully, you don’t need Adobe or any other costly software to edit your videos. There are a number of super cheap video editing software out there, but there are also some really great ones that are completely free.

Blackmagic design’s DaVinci Resolve is a fantastic video editing software that you can download and use for free. Whilst there are limitations to it, for straightforward video editing you will have everything you need in a powerful piece of software for free.

If it doesn’t suit your workflow, then shop around. There are loads of fantastic options and many of them have free trials or cheap versions.

Closing thoughts

Keep it simple and work to your limitations. With a little creativity you can create something great no matter what you’re using or how little you spend.

Remember, its your music that will shine and will pull the whole thing together. So create something true to yourself and let your music lift it to greatness.

Looking to get your music out on the top digital platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, TikTok, and more? Upload for free at