How has the year of 2015 reflected on your music tastes and listening? Find out with Spotify’s personalised ‘Year in Music’.

Year in Music is Spotify’s new browser feature that shows how the past year of music went for you on Spotify. Year in Music shows your favourites and habits from around the year and gives you a rundown of your top artists, tracks, albums and genres.

Spotify Year in Music
The first song I streamed on Spotify this year

Once you have logged in to the webpage you can scroll down through the various sections of your Year, starting with the first song you listened to this year on Spotify. You also get to see your aggregated statistics, such as total time listening to music, total artists, total tracks and you get the idea. If you’re happy enough with the results or want to proudly show off your Year in Music you can share various sections on social media.

I’ll be using my Spotify’s Year in Music to show you how it looks… 

Once you’ve made your way through the four seasons it changes from your year to the year with a selection of noteworthy news snippets from 2015, all with a custom playlist to boot. Topics range from same-sex marriage legalisation around the world to cultural fads like man buns and selfie sticks.

Once you reach the end Spotify give you the chance for an early christmas present, in the shape of a personalised playlist of tracks Spotify think you will love based on all of your listening in 2015 – Play it Forward.

Spotify Year in Music Play it Forward

Of course your Year in Music only really works if you regularly use Spotify to listen to music, though with almost 100 million users that should be quite a few of you. If you want to see Spotify’s take on your year’s music habits head to

If the page doesn’t load or freezes at any point just reload the page and it should work, there seems to be an issue in loading some sections.