As streaming service prices rise across the board, Pandora are the latest to join the parade raising their monthly premium.

After years of consistent prices, music streaming services (nearly) across the board have raised the cost of their services. Apple Music and Amazon Music both increased their individual streaming plans by $1/£1 last year. Meanwhile, Spotify increased their price again in April for a monthly cost of $11.99/£11.99, matched by Deezer who raised their prices directly to that amount last year.

Pandora are joining the trend, raising the price of Pandora Premium to $10.99 for individuals. Their prices have risen across their subscription offerings, with their family plan increasing from $14.99 to $17.99 a month. According to a Pandora Community post, the military plan has also risen from $7.99 to $8.99. The student plan has risen to $5.99 a month.

As many streaming prices have remained consistent since their inception, inflation has flown past. With questions over how much artists earn from music streaming and services like Spotify trying hard to become profitable in recent years, price increases seem somewhat inevitable. It does however raise the question of how much will consumers be able to keep up.

Pandora’s new tier prices seem to have come into effect from May 24th. A moderator on Pandora Community wrote: “Despite the continual rise in music licensing costs, we have been able to maintain consistent subscription prices; however, the current increase in our fees indicates how significant those licensing costs are.”

Part of the price increases across music streaming services lately is to ensure that artists and publishers get paid. For many, music streaming is their livelihood – and it’s not just major labels anymore. Spotify revealed recently that independent artists earned half of the revenues they paid out to the music industry in 2023.

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