MFreeformAnalogEq from MeldaProduction is free with any purchase from ADSR Sounds in September
Image Credit: MeldaProduction
Usually $59, free-form analog equalizer plugin MFreeformAnalogEq is free with any purchase from ADSR Sounds throughout September.
MFreeformAnalogEq is a simple equalizer that lets you draw the equalization, the plugin will find the most accurate settings using filter-adaptation technology, with the high audio quality of parametric analog filters. Without the complicated settings of multiple filters, the plugin combines a quick and easy-to-use interface with the highest analog audio quality available. The interface shows four dials to control the range, dry/wet, output and saturation for adding some vintage analog character.
The equalizer is available for both Windows and Mac. MFreeformAnalogEq is free with any purchase from ADSR Sounds until 30th September. Simply tick the checkbox on checkout to add the plugin to your basket.

- Freeform equalizer with range up to -64dB..64dB editable using the MeldaProduction Envelope System (MES).
- Integrated powerful spectral analyzer and sonogram – despite the main judge should always be your ears, the plugin offers an outstanding spectral analyzer combined with a sonogram with truly unique features such as super-resolution (which provides higher resolution in bass frequencies) or deharmonization (for easier analysis of fundamental frequencies).
- Integrated tube saturation gives the sound a great vintage analogue feel.
- Up to 8 channels surround processing – our plugins can handle not only mono and stereo signals, but also up to 8 channels of surround audio, making them ideal for audio production for movies, games etc.
- Adjustable up-sampling 1x-4x to minimize aliasing and get an even clearer sound.
- Extremely advanced and easy-to-use user interface – our products are always designed to enhance the workflow. You can easily change all values, fine-tune each control in multiple ways. Easy orientation in a standardized GUI, textual editing and smooth visualization with almost unlimited zooming are standard in all of our plugins. Moreover our plugins are the world first (and still the only ones), which support resizable and stylable GUI’s.
- MIDI controllers with MIDI learn – you can map any parameter to any MIDI controller or MIDI keyboard and control it realtime or record and automate it.
- Very fast, optimized for SSE and SSE2 processors.
- Global preset management and online preset exchange – using a title button you can save your settings (which are shared on the computer) so you can easily access these in other songs. Moreover all plugins can automatically share your presets and download presets of other users from our servers (if this feature is enabled). We are building a community and you can be a part of it!
- Fully Automatable.