The 3 Major labels – Warner, Sony, and Universal – have formed the Music Industry Climate Collective to explore the industry’s climate impact.

Climate change is something we can and should all come together on. The 3 major labels clearly agree, as they’ve put competition in the charts aside to form a new collective to tackle the climate impact of music.

The Music Industry Climate Collective (MICC) brings together the major players in global music. The American Association of Independent Music has also been named an advisor. They will be able to assist with advice for smaller music businesses and independent musicians.

The MICC will begin by finding a method to measure scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions – the music industry’s major output. This refers to indirect emissions, the offshoots of producing products and distributing them.

The MICC wrote: “This initiative demonstrates what can be achieved when music leaders come together with a shared vision and commitment to sustainability.

“We are proud to collaborate to amplify environmental stewardship and offer practical recommendations and strategies tailored to the unique needs of music companies, regardless of their size or scale of operations.”

They are working with scientific experts to complete their first draft of guidance. MICC members have reportedly called for a larger independent representation on an advisory council.

It all begins at calculating the impacts that the music industry has globally on emissions. Then they can begin to explore solutions for reducing the impact.

The MICC add: “Together, we must continue to make progress on this vital priority. We welcome all to join us in reducing our industry’s carbon footprint by working together to ensure an environmentally responsible future for music and our planet.”