Image Credit: Joe Rogan

YouTube have removed an episode of The Joe Rogan Experience for violating community guidelines, while Spotify leave the episode up.

Episode #1757 of The Joe Rogan Experience with Dr. Robert Malone, an American virologist and immunologist, was removed from YouTube within hours of upload. The episode was posted by a third-party, as Joe Rogan’s exclusive contract with Spotify does not allow full episodes to be uploaded to YouTube.

In the episode Dr. Robert Malone compared the current U.S. public health climate to Germany in the 1920 and 1930s, pointing to “free-floating anxiety” in both environments and noting that this anxiety was addressed and channelled in Nazi Germany by a leader with a singular message. Malone claims he invented the mRNA technology used to develop the COVID-19 vaccines.

Our government is out of control on this, and they are lawless. They completely disregard bioethics; they completely disregard the federal common rule, and they have broken all the rules that I know of that I’ve been trained on for years and years. These mandates of an experimental vaccine are explicitly illegal.

Dr. Robert Malone, #1757, The Joe Rogan Experience

YouTube haven’t addressed the deletion of the episode directly, but following the link shows the video was removed for ‘violating’ their community guidelines. YouTube, like many other social media platforms, have implemented no-tolerance policies on the spread of COVID-19 misinformation.

Texas congressman Troy Nehls submitted a transcript of the banned episode to Congress.

Since signing The Joe Rogan Experience exclusively to Spotify in 2020, the streaming service have faced scrutiny on both sides for the removal of older controversial episodes and the refusal to remove newer episodes such as an interview with Alex Jones. The episode with Dr. Robert Malone remains available on Spotify.