A new section on creators’ channels will personalise the content shown to every viewer who visits the channel.

If a channel has lots of content, it can be hard to find what you’re looking for. YouTube are introducing For You: A new section displayed to viewers on channels that aims to make the most relevant content easier to find.

For You is a personalised feed that displays at the top of a channel’s home page. When a viewer views a creator’s channel, the ‘For You’ feed will algorithmically present content based on the videos they like across the platform.

It’s a feature that should encourage more views and perhaps even subscriptions. It’s especially handy for YouTube creators who upload a variety of content, so that viewers don’t have to search through their feed to find the content most likely to appeal to them.

Creators are given a level of control over how the For You section displays on their channel. They can select if they want only shorts, livestreams, or full videos to show up – or a mix of them. Creators can also choose to prioritise newer content or whether to open all their videos up to the feed.

Alternatively, creators can turn the feature off under their customization menu. If they want to remain in control of the videos that viewers see first on their channel then For You won’t be for them.

It should be a fantastic way for creators to bolster their views by presenting viewers with exactly what they want to find. How well the algorithm works to present personalised content, we’ll have to see when the feature drops to all users on the 20th of November.

For more instructions from YouTube, head to their Support page.