Take Pandora on the road, streaming now on Waze
Find the perfect soundtrack to your journey and easily tune it as you drive with Pandora in Waze’s navigation app.
Google’s Waze app helps you navigate through cities and towns like a friendly Google Maps assistant. Last year Waze added an audio player so you can simply play music on your journeys and easily skip tracks and control your music with simple and safe controls for if you’re driving.
Waze have teamed up with the United States’ favourite radio-style streaming service to offer Pandora’s extensive music catalogue as a passenger in your journeys. Both Pandora’s on-demand premium service and it’s radio-style streams of music are available to listen to on Waze.
Connect the two apps together and you can choose to listen to music from Waze’s app or follow the steps of your journey from inside the Pandora app – it works both ways. It’s super simple to connect the services, simply download the Waze app and click the music icon on the top right of the map to select Pandora.

Google’s alternative navigation app also features integration for Spotify, NPR One, TuneIn Radio, and more. The music streaming service is available in the Waze app for both iOS and Android devices.