YouTube creators earn more money with new Channel Memberships for viewers
You can get extra personal with your favourite YouTube channels and sign up to a membership with exclusive access to special features and content.
At last week’s VidCon YouTube unveiled a bunch of new features that will create an enhanced experience for fans and creators on YouTube alike. Fans of YouTube’s Super Chat will love the new Channel Memberships which bring you even closer to the people behind the channel and give subscribers access to fun and exclusive new content.
With Channel Memberships, viewers pay a monthly recurring fee of $4.99 to get unique badges, new emoji, Members-only posts in the Community tab, and access to unique custom perks offered by creators, such as exclusive livestreams, extra videos, or shout-outs. Channel Memberships have already been available for a select group of creators on YouTube as Sponsorships.
YouTube have seen a lot of creators find success with this new business model. With this in mind YouTube plan to soon expand this to eligible channels with more than 100,000 subscribers on YouTube under the new name Channel Memberships. They hope to extend this to even more creators in the coming months.
Creators who have already been experimenting with this feature on YouTube have seen encouraging results. Since launching in January, comedy creator Mike Falzone more than tripled his YouTube revenue. And travelling duo Simon and Martina have built a closer-knit community and revamped a miniseries exclusively for their members, in more than 30 countries from Finland to the Philippines.