Our marketing partner PUSH.fm just got a big new update, bringing Premium features Competitions and email access to Free users!

Our partner site PUSH.fm simplifies the process of promoting content for musicians and online creators around the world. With free marketing tools such as Smart Links, Pre-saves, Reward Link, Pay Links and Competitions, the possibilities for independent artists are endless. Today PUSH.fm is expanding their free features to bring more tools to more users.

PUSH.fm Competitions are now free!

Competitions were previously part of a Premium subscription. Now, PUSH.fm is bringing this feature to all users!

Creators love the ability to give back to their fans. With PUSH.fm Competitions anyone can create a contest. Set actions for fans to complete in order to enter into the giveaway. For example, a follow on socials could count for one entry, then sharing a post could double their odds. Otherwise leave it open for all to enter. After the set end date, you can download a CSV file of all entrants’ email addresses. It’s up to you to pick the winner (we suggest using a random number generator) and sending the prize, be it physical or digital.

Login to PUSH.fm, click Create New Link, then Competitions to get started!

Collect emails on any PUSH.fm campaign

Until now, PUSH.fm has helped users collect their audiences’ email addresses via Competitions, Pre-saves and Pay Links. While an essential tool for reaching out to a competition winner, it’s also useful for those building a database of their fans and growing their email newsletters. Email addresses can now also be collected in Smart Links and Reward Links too.

Go to PUSH.fm, and update your Smart Links and Reward Links to feature a mailing list option.

How to view audience data in PUSH.fm

Finally in this update, there’s a brand new page in PUSH.fm to access email data. Previously, Premium users could download email addresses collected by going to each individual campaign. Now PUSH.fm is collecting all of this information in one page and making it accessible to all users. Under CONNECT in the left hand panel, you’ll find a new icon of three people – Audience.

In here free users can view, sort and search through all of the email addresses you’ve collected across all of your campaigns, including Smart Links, Pre-saves, Reward Links, Competitions and Pay Links. You’ll see email addresses, names, which campaign sourced the data and when they entered.

Upgrade to Premium to filter and export a CSV file of the entire list.

Head to PUSH.fm and click Audience in the side panel to get started.

Why this update matters

These new features give creators more ability to collect their audience’s email addresses. If you’re starting or growing your email newsletter, dive into PUSH.fm today! By enhancing their CRM capabilities, this update marks a new chapter in PUSH.fm’s journey and they’re only just getting started! Follow PUSH.fm on socials for all of the updates.

All features are available to all users now. Sign up today for free and unlock a world of marketing possibilities on PUSH.fm!