Image credit: Alexander Shatov

AI will soon be recommending video topics and even generating content within your videos.

Life is about to get a lot easier for YouTube creators. At least, that’s what YouTube are hoping with the reveal of their new AI powered tools focused on enhancing creators’ potential.

In a recent blog post, YouTube revealed a number of ways in which they plan to implement artificial intelligence into creator tools. The aim is to make creating content not only easier, but to empower creators with AI-powered data that can inform their content as well.

AI Generated Content on YouTube

Perhaps the most exciting – and scary – reveal was YouTube’s plans to offer creator’s an AI tool that produces visuals. From a text prompt, the tool proposes to produce visuals that creators can use as backgrounds in their short videos – working like a green screen in which the AI produces whatever image you’d like as a backdrop.

Astonishingly, the tool can also be used to create moving images. This is where it gets interesting, in theory allowing creators to produce anything that they can think up (and elucidate with text in a way that AI can understand).

We’ve discussed how this both represents incredible creative potential and on the other hand risks threatening the platform’s content with AI-generated banality.

AI-Powered Insights and Recommendations

YouTube Studio plan to drop AI into the creator’s hub next year. The generative AI will analyse trends and the type of content on your channel to produce personalised recommendations of the kind it would take hours to research on your own.

With a direct channel to YouTube’s audience data, this tool could be a massive boon to the creativity of creators who have to constantly juggle between researching what content will work for audiences and simply creating their best work.

Image credit: YouTube

YouTube said: “We’ve been testing a version of AI-powered tools in YouTube Studio with creators, and more than 70% of those surveyed said it’s helped them develop and test ideas for videos.”

Find the Perfect Soundtrack

Next year, YouTube plan to launch Assistive Search in Creator Music. This will allow creators to type a description of their content to be presented with results that AI has decided will make the best fit for your video.

With YouTube Shorts, soundtracks have become an important part of content. A massive database of music has been available for use in Shorts upon upload to provide the perfect soundtrack since launch, and is constantly updated with new and popular music.

At RouteNote, we offer free distribution for artists to upload their music on to YouTube Shorts so their songs can be featured in videos. Every time their song is played in a video they receive payment.

Automatic Dubbing in Other Languages

Most creators simply do not have the time, funds, or the effort to cater to viewers beyond their native language. Even if you’re a polyglot, creating content with different spoken words or even translating the captions is simply too much.

Not for long. YouTube are launching Aloud, an AI-powered dubbing tool that will provide automatically generated voiceovers for other languages. This has the potential to open up creators to massive new audiences beyond their language.