What happens when an artist page is verified on Spotify?
RouteNote artists have been verifying their pages on Spotify, but they didnt know why it was important so here is why!
Various things become available, including:
Discography + User Profile: Users are able to follow both artist (discography) pages and user profile. When you verify your profile you combine these two entities.
Badge: A small blue check mark goes next to your name, and a button appears that allows users to easily toggle back and forth between the discography and artist account.
Followers: After the pages are combined, your followers will be too (artist discography page + user profile followers).
Notifications: Anytime you release music or create a playlist on the service all the followers of the profile will be notified automatically.
Log In: You will still be able to log in and make playlists on the same account.
The experience is only different externally — as in users will see a different profile page. The playlist-creation and log in is exactly the same.