How often do you find yourself stuck on a bus or a train with nothing to do? Your iPod playlist has run out and your weekly podcasts are already on their ninth listen that day, what else is there to pass the time?

Well, the answer to that is probably lots of things – you could read a book or newspaper, you could sit and get some important day dreaming done or you could cough up £2.39 and download Sonic Wire Sculptor for your iPhone.

This app has been kicking around for a while, but I have ignored it for the price time and time again. What a fool I have been. Today it was put in front of me (on an iPad) and it took all of 15 seconds for me to decide I would buy it on my iPhone.

A very intuitive interface which requires no real musical background to use, makes composing ambient and ethereal soundscapes extremely easy and genuinely fun.

Here are a couple of videos to convince you further, enjoy.