If you’re looking for a way to connect with new but engaged followers, why not have a go at leveraging other people’s? This quick guide explains how to do exactly that.

Using social media to help further your music career and build your audience is nothing new. But, you might be thinking that reach and follower count is everything. Actually, it’s vital to consider how engaged followers are, rather than just focussing on how many of them there are. Nano-influencers embody this ethos and are your new secret weapon as a growing independent artist.

Influencer marketing is an incredibly powerful marketing tool that has helped brands and personalities reach huge numbers of people and launch sturdy careers. But, this strategy is costly and competitive, making it a less than viable option for independent artists.

Enter, the nano-influencer. 

What is a nano-influencer?

A nano-influencer is someone who has a small but loyal following on social media, typically ranging between 1,000 to 10,000 followers. They don’t quite qualify for micro-influencer status, which is between 10,000 and 100K followers. Unlike celebrities or macro-influencers with millions of fans, nano-influencers often have a more intimate connection with their audience. They’re the everyday people whose opinions matter to their followers, making their recommendations feel genuine and trustworthy.

What do nano-influencers do?

Nano-influencer marketing involves partnering with these small-scale influencers to promote your music. It’s about leveraging their close-knit communities to create buzz around your tracks. What’s great about nano-influencers is their accessibility; they’re usually more open to collaboration and often more affordable than their more prominent counterparts. Plus, their smaller audience size can actually lead to higher engagement rates, as their followers tend to be more active and invested.

How to find the right nano-influencer for you

Finding the right nano-influencers isn’t just about follower count; it’s about alignment with your music and brand. Start by identifying influencers who share similar interests or aesthetics. You can search social media platforms using relevant hashtags, browse through your current followers, or even ask your fans for recommendations. Consider their engagement rate and the type of content they produce. If they resonate with your music’s vibe, reach out with a personalised message proposing a collaboration.

You can also look for nano-influencers to work with by browsing dedicated agencies and websites. A simple search on Google will lead you to these, where you should be able to access a list of nano-influencers willing to work with people like yourself.

How to leverage nano-influencers as an artist

Now you know what a nano-influencer is, here’s how you can start to leverage them to help you along in your musical career.

  1. Get Your Music Featured: Ask a nano-influencer to include your music in their content. Whether it’s a TikTok soundtrack or a background track in an Instagram Story, this organic integration can make your music feel like a natural part of the viewer’s experience.
  2. Collaborative Livestreams: Host a live session with a nano-influencer. You could perform live, discuss your creative process, or even co-create content on the spot. This real-time interaction can introduce your music to their audience while building a connection with new fans.
  3. Joint Giveaways: Team up with a nano-influencer for a giveaway. For example, you could offer exclusive merch, concert tickets, or even a private virtual performance as prizes. This not only incentivises engagement but also widens your reach.
  4. Creative Challenges: Launch a challenge where the influencer’s followers create content using your music. It’s a fun way to increase user-generated content and spread your music across social platforms.
  5. Personalised Messages: Ask your chosen nano-influencer influencer to share why they enjoy your music, perhaps in a short video or a personal post. This personal endorsement can make a significant impact, as it feels less like advertising and more like a genuine recommendation.

What are the benefits of working with a nano-influencer?

Nano-influencers can have a surprisingly strong impact on your music career. Their followers often trust them implicitly, so when they recommend your music, it feels authentic. This can lead to an increase in streaming numbers, social media followers, and overall buzz around your music. On top of all this, working with nano-influencers can open doors to other opportunities, such as collaborations with larger influencers, playlist placements, or even label attention.

Summing Up

In a world where music promotion can feel overwhelming and expensive, nano-influencers offer a refreshing and accessible alternative. They bring authenticity, affordability, and a direct line to already-engaged audiences who are eager to discover new music. For independent artists, tapping into nano-influencer marketing can be a game-changer, helping you to build a dedicated fanbase and gain the exposure your music deserves. So, start small, be strategic, and watch your music career flourish.

If you’d like to make your music available for nano-influencers to share with their loyal followers, check out RouteNote for free distribution today.