Listening to music makes you better at work
It’s been proven, listening to music whilst you work makes you more productive and better at working. At least that’s people who work with music are saying.
Do you love listening to music at work? We definitely do! In the RouteNote offices we always have our RouteNote HQ playlist streaming from Sonos’ all around us. If we’re not listening to the Sonos or the amazing music you upload to us then we’ll have our headphones on listening to our own stuff. Thankfully, it’s good for your work.
A new survey by Accountemps, which surveyed 1000 employees working in offices, looks at whether or not listening to music whilst you work helps. Of the people surveyed, 44% said that they were allowed to listen to music at work with no restrictions, whilst only 9% said they were not allowed to listen to music at work at all.
Of those who could listen to music at work 39% said that music makes them much more productive whilst 32% said it helped them to be somewhat more productive. Whilst the results clearly show people think that music helps them to work better Accountemps make clear that it’s a thin line to annoying your colleagues if you listen too loudly or sing along, so listen appropriately.
Accountemps executive director, Michael Steinitz says: “While music can be a stress reliever or source of motivation for many workers, it can be a distraction for others. Those who want to listen to music in the office need to be aware of company policies and considerate toward their colleagues.”