If you’re looking to join RouteNote for distribution to the world’s biggest digital music platforms either for free or at market leading prices for artists, then you’ll be happy to hear it’s easy!

At RouteNote we make it easy for artists everywhere to get their music on the world’s biggest services like Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, TIDAL, Amazon, YouTube Music, and many more. With free music distribution there are no barriers to entry for artists of all sizes and with some of the best prices for Premium distribution, keeping 100% of your streaming success has never been easier.

If you’re looking to move to RouteNote from another distributor like The Orchard, here are a few pieces of advice to make the transfer as smooth as possible.

Arrange removal of your releases

If you’re moving your releases to us, make sure you’ve arranged the removal of those releases with your original distributor. Then when you upload your music to us we can get them back on stores on services as quickly as possible.

Re-use your UPC and ISRC codes

You’ll have been given UPC and ISRC codes for your music when you uploaded it. Keep hold of these and use them again on the same release to retain all your streaming data when your music goes live again. This means that if you’ve racked up the streams on your tracks, they’ll still show the same performance when we get them back online for you.

Choose the plan that suits you

We offer two types of distribution so that all artists can work out the plan that suits them best, because we want everyone to upload their music on their own terms.

Free Distribution offers unlimited distribution to all of our partners at no cost. You keep 85% of all of the earnings you make and can come and go at any time.

Premium Distribution is our paid offering. For a small upfront cost, you can distribute any of your releases worldwide and keep 100% of the revenues your music makes in all stores. It’s only $9.99 after a year to keep your release live on Premium.

You can switch between Free and Premium at any time.

Discover more with RouteNote

We pride ourselves on providing the best distribution solution for artists. There’s so much more to discover with RouteNote beyond simple and affordable music distribution.

PUSH.fm is our new artist promotion platform offering fan links, content unlocks, pre-saves and more exciting potential for artists to reach audiences on the way.

RouteNote’s SoundCloud Network offers a unique way for artists to monetise the music they upload to SoundCloud.

YouTube Content ID gives you a route to protect your music whenever it is used on YouTube and earn money from the videos it is uploaded to using YouTube’s automatic detection technology.

RouteNote’s YouTube Network works with creators on YouTube to monetise and protect videos on all types of channels.

Sign up for free today at www.routenote.com.