Bootsy Collins’ Online Funk University
Given the diversity of the music that we get uploaded to RouteNote, this might be of niche appeal, but then that’s what RouteNote is about – helping the little guys. Enough of our own trumpet – Bootsy Collins, Parliament Funkadelic’s bassist (among other roles) is taking the head lecturer’s chair at the online Funk University being launched by SceneFour, a PR house that works on corporate events and launches for groups like NIN and Al Gore. Soul and Funk music has more on this:
As Funk University’s Lead “Professor,” Bootsy will provide extensive lectures on funk, the bass, and his body of work with James Brown, George Clinton, Parliament Funkadelic, and solo projects. In addition, Collins has arranged an impressive ensemble of the music world’s finest players to provide an intense curriculum designed to promote and teach funk to intermediate and advanced players. The lectures, lessons, and exercises will be accessed through streaming video, with tablature downloads available. Bootsy’s bass school will also hold “office hours” where students are able to get their questions answered online. The entire staff will be reviewing and holding regular competitions throughout the year.
The university will feature video lectures and classes, practical tests and all the traditional coursework featured in more conventional courses, but they haven’t released details of any course fees, requirements or qualifications, so perhaps the term University might be a little grand, but it still looks like good fun at this early stage.