How to get discovered online with BBC Radio 6 Music potential
You want to get your music heard by influencers, you want those influencers to share it with their audiences, you want those audiences to become fans – but how?
There are lots of ways to spread your music and get it heard, especially thanks to the openness of the internet. That doesn’t mean it isn’t hard, especially putting yourself in front of the right audiences. Fresh On The Net is an independent music blog created by Tom Robinson, BBC Radio 6 Music presenter and music lover, which gives independent artists a shot at some exposure.
Fresh On The Net takes submissions from independent musicians around the world to highlight and share around the web. Are they the site for you though? Decide for yourself, as they say: “Our mission is to help independent musicians find new listeners, and independent listeners find new music.”
Made up of over a dozen music-lovers, including Robinson himself, the team listen to the up to 200 or more tracks they get each week to select their favourite 25. All of the submitted tracks get added to a SoundCloud playlist so anyone around the world can tune in and explore independent music from all over and artists can also check out what they’re up against.
If you get picked to be in their top 25 tunes you will be added to Fresh On The Net’s ‘Listening Post’ which they create each weekend to present visitors with 25 awesome, new tracks from small artists everywhere. Listeners can vote on who their favourites are and then every Sunday the votes are added up for a Fresh Faves post where one of the Fresh On The Net team will review and feature the top tracks.
It’s amazing exposure in itself and a brilliant community of small and independent artists but with Tom Robinson behind it there is a big chance you could be featured on his popular radio show on the wonderful BBC Radio 6 Music if you make an impact on him. Fresh On The Net is also highly regarded amongst critics and influencers so beyond Tom Robinson you could be picked up by another big figure who could take your music to whole new lands.
It’s an entirely independent community doing it out of a love for music so please respect that!
Fresh On The Net is 100% independent – with no advertising, commercial sponsors, or connections with record industry. We don’t have any link with the BBC, other than the fact that they pay Tom’s wages and he subsidises this blog. Our job isn’t to find the latest Hot New Acts or predict the Stars Of Tomorrow. Our job is to listen to the music you send us – and help the most interesting tunes each week find a wider audience.
The site also features an advice section full of great tips on promoting and sharing your music. Find out how to apply and the guidelines here: