Image Credit: WIRED

Creating for YouTube can be a struggle – thinking up ideas, writing scripts; while recording and editing just one video can take a week or even longer. Thankfully, YouTube are here to help creators think up their next best ideas using its new content inspiration tool!

YouTube’s new AI aims to remove the slog from the first step – generating ideas for your next video. Creators never stop looking for ideas, and it is entirely possible to burn through all of your ideas and end up feeling a little bit lost from time to time.

Don’t fear, YouTube is here to help.

To make it easier for you to decide what to dream up and share next, we’re experimenting with a feature that uses AI to surface content inspiration If you’re a creator in one of the groups this feature is rolling out to and you navigate to Studio > Analytics > Inspiration on desktop, you’ll see ideas for content you could create to share on YouTube.


However, this feature isn’t designed to remove all the work for you. In its experimental launch stage, only a select number of creators can access the feature that “aims to help you brainstorm ideas, understand your audience better, and build videos faster”.

YouTube continue to state its new AI will help you understand “what kinds of content and topics your viewers want to see more of” by presenting you with a “feed of what they’re searching for”. Furthermore, the new tool offers “fresh angles for creative content you haven’t made in the past and could explore creating”, and YouTube states the feature also provides “outlines and talking points to jumpstart your creative process”.

YouTube’s new tool promises to make it easier for you to find new ideas for your next video and helps you get started by providing tips on how to approach it from the outset.

Finally, YouTube states its new experimental content inspiration tool is rolling out to English-language creators in all regions except “the European Economic Area, United Kingdom, Switzerland, and India”. However, YouTube has alluded to the future expansion of the feature.