we7 Presents Unsigned Band Channel

We7, successful UK music streaming site have launched its latest endeavour. An unsigned band channel, of sorts.
Five acts will be chosen every two months by experts from the likes of NME, The Guardian and Ditto Music. The bands will be featured on some specially selected play lists with each play resulting in an immediate payment to the bands own Paypal accounts. We7, which around 2.5 million regular visitors each month will also give the bands websites coverage, add them to any social media events the site is involved in along with banner ads. We7 constantly assure the public of the genuine interest that they have in new and unsigned acts. This is good to see. A nice big website, with lots of regular readers and presumably a nice tonne of contacts and revenue actually being pro active in using them all to help out the little guys. Good work we7!
The first 5 bands to benefit from this super opportunity are Namalee, The Federals, The deBretts, Breaking the Illusion and The Hitchcock.