The fact that I’m posting at this hour on a Friday should say enough to you about how my weekend is going thus far… If you’re at a bit of a loose end this weekend then why not take a listen to these free playlists? You never know, you might actually enjoy yourself, you might actually have a far better time than all those ‘people’ off gallivanting with their ‘friends’.

If you would like to have your music featured on this blog in the future then please get in touch; or on twitter @monkeyhotel

Full Time Hobby have kindly uploaded some bonus tracks to their soundcloud page following the release of Erland and the Carnival’s self titled debut album, which you can buy here.

Erland & The Carnival – Bonus Tracks by fulltimehobby

If it’s something more American-Folky you’re looking for then why not take a listen to Peter Lehndorff’s latest playlist. If you’re not familiar with his work he writes very charming and funny little songs packed with character. You have to really listen carefully to keep up with all the jokes, but if you’re reading this then I guess it’s not like you have anything better to do with your Friday night…This set was recorded live which means you get people laughing along with you, making you feel a bit less of a lonely, chuckling freak. If you like these songs then take a look at the rest of his SoundCloud page.

Live from WWUH (from the 20th century) by PeterLehndorff

Enjoy the weekend.