Our Support team are eager to resolve your queries as quickly as possible – here are some tips for how you can help that happen.

We understand that when you’re releasing music, you want things to go as smoothly as possible. If you have a question or need help, it’s only natural to want to get things resolved fast. When it comes to the RouteNote Support team, there are a few tips and tricks that can help grease the wheels and get things sorted in good time.

It’s easy to forget that, when talking about something so precious to you as your releases, not everyone else knows all the details that you do. Going back and forth over a query isn’t anyone’s idea of fun. To avoid email ping pong, we’ve listed a few things you can tick off before getting in touch with Support.

Contact from the correct email

When getting in touch with Support about a query relating to your RouteNote account, make sure that you contact the team from the email address that is linked to your account.

This helps speed up the process of linking your correspondence with your account, so that the team can access your information and get to the bottom of things.

Alternatively, if you are contacting the Support team via the contact form on the RouteNote website, you should list the email address registered with your RouteNote account.

Provide UPCs

If you’re contacting the Support team about a particular release, be sure to include its UPC. Song titles or album titles are useful, but the most important and helpful thing to include is the UPC.

Providing the UPC ensures there is no question or confusion around which release you are referring to. To illustrate this point, some users might have releases with exactly the same title – this makes it tricky to know exactly which release is being referred to.

Provide ISRCs

Similarly, if you’re discussing a specific track within a release, provide the ISRC.

Every release has a UPC, but there’s more information within this. Each track is assigned an ISRC – think of this like the track’s individual thumbprint. Again, imagine a user has two songs within an album that have the same name. Providing the ISRC of the particular track in question clears up any confusion.

Even if there are no duplicated titles within a release, it just creates a clearer picture with no confusion if you provide the ISRC.

Give context

Although the Support team are very good, they’re unfortunately not mind readers. That’s why providing sufficient context is crucial to help get your query resolved as quickly as possible. Here’s an example of what too little context looks like when contacting Support:

Hi, my new song isn’t there yet, what’s happened?”

Now, here’s an example of what this query might look like with the necessary amount of content.

“Hi, my latest single release, “My New Song” (UPC: XXXXXXXXXXXX) has not appeared on Spotify yet. It’s release date was a week ago (23/09/24), but I can’t see it on there anywhere. Please can you look into this for me?”

Notice that the release is specifically named and its UPC is given. The nature of the query is clearly outlined, and the particular store the query relates to is named. If there is a timeframe involved, exact dates are referenced and an explanation of what expectation has been missed is given. This lets the Support team now from the very first point of correspondence exactly what the issue is, what they need to investigate, and provides them with all the necessary information to do this.

Include relevant links

Our Support team truly are experts when it comes to the world of digital music distribution, and it’s no secret that they deal with a plethora of different queries. In some cases, links to a track or page may be important for solving a problem and can help the team understand what type of query they are dealing with better.

Maybe you’re reaching out about a query relating to YouTube, or you’ve noticed that your track has been uploaded to the wrong Spotify artist profile. Providing links to important pieces of information within your query, where possible, goes a long way in clearing up confusion and arming Support with the details they need to solve your query.

Bonus tip – ask Luna or the Support Hub

There are some situations that are complicated and nuanced, so really need the help and guidance of a human being. But, you might be surprised to learn that lots of queries can be resolved without you even needing to send an email.

Luna, our new chatbot, is on hand to help with your questions and queries. Find her on the RouteNote homepage in the bottom right-hand corner. Using AI, Luna pulls useful information from the RouteNote blog and Support Hub, to quickly answer your queries. Whether you have a question about the site, how royalties are paid, or how long distribution takes – just ask Luna.

Alternatively, you can consult the Support Hub yourself to seek out the information you need. This is a comprehensive hub of helpful information relating to all things RouteNote. Written by the Support themselves, you might just find the answer to your question is already waiting there for you.

Of course, if you’ve tried asking Luna and browsing the Support Hub, but are still seeking help, then contact the support team at support@routenote.com. Be sure to follow the tips and include all the information listed above, and the team will get right to work helping to resolve your query.