Announced at the Superbooth 24 trade fair, Reason Studios is officially launching Reason 13 – the latest version of its renowned DAW.

Promising to deliver a host of new features and improvements to enhance your creative workflow and expand your sonic possibilities, Reason 13 aims to provide the tools “you need to sound like you”.

Representing a substantial step forward for Reason Studios and combining modernized workflow enhancements with new devices, Reason 13 offers several improvements that make it a compelling option for both new and existing users.

Reason 13: a modernized workflow and powerful new tools

One of the most anticipated aspects of Reason 13 is its overhauled user interface which now includes a context-sensitive browser. Mirroring similar tools available in other leading DAWs like Ableton Live and FL Studio, this new browser allows you to search for patches, samples, and loops quickly. Furthermore, the new browser makes it easy to apply search filters based on tags and categories.

The developer has also given its stock sequencer notable upgrades. Now, you can edit MIDI and audio clips while simultaneously keeping an eye on the sequencer window, significantly enhancing multitasking capabilities while composing with samples and software instruments. The updated DAW also boasts improved zooming and layout changes that further contribute to its smoother, more intuitive editing experience.

Additionally, Reason 13 introduces two new flagship devices – Polytone and Ripley Delay.

Polytone, a bi-timbral software synthesizer capable of producing two sounds at once, focuses on analog sounds with a unique morphing feature. This means you can blend between two programmed sounds seamlessly and maintain hands-on control and expression with fader, mod wheel, global LFO, or keyboard velocity.

Ripley Delay, on the other hand, is a versatile delay unit with extensive modulation capabilities. It offers five “mini effects” – noise, distortion, EQ, ducker, and bit crusher – which you can insert anywhere in your signal chain for intricate sound shaping, from clean echoes to complex, lo-fi textures.

Complementing these major devices are three new utilities: Sidechain, Gain, and Stereo Tool. Sidechain allows for rhythmic compression effects, Gain offers precise volume and panning adjustments, and Stereo Tool enhances stereo width while maintaining mono compatibility.

These additions address some of the gaps in previous versions and provide users with more tools to refine their mixes. At first glance, though, it does seem to me that Reason 13 is taking a good look at what Ableton is doing right.

Reason 13 comes loaded with over a thousand new presets, patches, samples, and loops, further expanding the sonic palette available to producers. This extensive library ensures that users have access to fresh and inspiring sounds right from the start.

Price and availability

Reason 13 is available for $432/£409/€479 with discounted upgrade options for existing users and educational discounts for students and pupils. Reason+ subscribers and those who purchased or upgraded to Reason 12 from January 1st are eligible for a free upgrade to Reason 13 too.