How to pass RouteNote Moderation – 5 tips for quick music distribution
You can get your music on streaming services free and easily with RouteNote. To make sure there’s no hold up and your music goes lives as soon as it can, follow our steps to avoid the most common mistakes.
We make it simple for artists everywhere to get their music online on all of the biggest digital platforms. Whilst it’s easy and free to distribute your music with RouteNote, there are still things that can hold up your release if you’re not aware of the common mistakes artists make when uploading their releases.
Follow the tips in our video and your music will be approved and on it’s way to music platforms around the world in no time.
Hi admin. I uploaded one of my tracks in RouteNote on 26/09/2021 for release in all stores. And the release date of my track was 12/10/2021. But to date my track has not been approved. I request your concerned officer or admin to please release my track in all stores. UPC: 5059806014112 of the track I was supposed to release.
Hello, you may have received an email from us notifying you of changes that need to be made to your release before we can approve it. If not you can get in touch with our support team to check the status of your release via a ticket on the website or at
Notified of changes? That would be helpful for the current problem I’m having with the moderation team. All I got was a list of generic ‘issues’ that it ‘could’ be AFTER it being disapproved. None of the ‘issues’ in the generic list apply to my release, an instrumental track that I own copyright for.
Ticket number is #6074266, how can we move this forward?
Thanks for reaching out!
We have replied to your Support ticket, please see our response there.
Hits coming soon Mba_music
Hello admin,
I uploaded my track on 26-01-24 and it was supposed to be released on 16-02-24, it has not even passed moderation till date. I have tried to reach out to your support team as well as other forums but I get no response from you guys. I was marketing my song according to the release date. I need to know whether you guys will or will not release it so I can release it using other distribution companies. My song fulfils all the generic requirements and there’s absolutely no issue with my release, and even if there is an issue, according to you guys, I would like to know what it is or at least know that you guys are not going to release it? Im sorry but that’s extremely unprofessional.
My song details:
I’m sorry for the wait! Unfortunately, we are experiencing some delays due to high demand.
You should hear back from our team soon.
Hey Admins,
I uploaded a Song and waited about 14-15 Days for it to go through Moderation but it got Disapproved without giving me any reason in a E-Mail or when checking on the Song, why is that?
Please email and we will look into this for you.
hola tambien tengo un problema. la fecha de lanzamiento era el 2/10 erp aun figura en revision. mande mail pero me dice q no existe el mail de soporte. buenoquisiera info para saber que sucede. gracias
You can also create a support ticket via the website –