No more starting your playback from scratch, a new update lets YouTube Music remember your queue to never lose your place.

You had to take a call, or you’ve left the office and headed home; whatever the reason, you’ve had to press pause on the music you’re jamming out to. Now you’re on the other side, all you want to do is jump straight back into it. Thankfully, YouTube Music are finally letting you do just that.

With an update to their web player, YouTube Music now saves your playback to resume you from where you left off. Before now, if you were listening on and closed your browser then your queue would be wiped. Now, on re-opening the website you’ll be taken back to right where you are with your queued up tracks also intact.

The feature already exists in the iOS and Android apps, which remember your state and bring the player back to it with the “Up Next” queue saved. Now, wherever you’re listening to YouTube Music, your experience will be the same allowing you to dip in and out as you please.

The feature works with both albums, playlists, and custom queues. The feature takes the currently playing item back to the start. Unfortunately, this also applies with podcasts, meaning that your place in the podcast will be lost as it plays from the beginning on re-opening YouTube Music. Remembering playback position works on mobile devices, but not in the web player.

Hopefully, a future update will fix this problem for a smoother experience overall.

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