Vocalizr – Connecting Producers With Vocalists Worldwide
As a producer it can often be difficult once you’ve created a track to find the right vocalist to really complete it, likewise it can often be tough for solo vocalists to find themselves music to get onto.
Vocalizr, a new website designed to connect producers with singers, solves that issue, giving you the opportunity to connect with vocalists and producers from around the world.
Vocalizr is designed to be a two-way marketplace that lets you discover vocalists and producers to work to together on an online collaborative workspace on projects known as “Gigs” on Vocalizr.
Public “Gigs” can be set up allowing users to bid to get it. If a Gig is set to private then only invited users will be able to bid. Vocalizr also features Contests where track creators upload their track for others to sing over the top of, contesting their vocal abilities.
Vocalizr is free to sign up to and use with payable fees upon the completion of a Gig. You can pay vocalists from Contests upfront for encouragement or you can pay them once the project is completed. According to Vocalizr they have already paid out $60,000 to vocalists since their launch.
Check out Vocalizr for free from here.