Copyright strikes can seem scary, so here’s an explainer on what they are and how to navigate them.

Copyright strikes can be a bit intimidating, especially if you’re an independent creator or musician working hard to grow your YouTube channel and online presence. If there are a few question marks hanging over this topic for you, this guide will walk you through everything you need to know about copyright strikes, how to handle them, and how to avoid them so you can focus on what matters: creating quality content.

What is a YouTube copyright strike?

A copyright strike occurs when the owner of copyrighted material, such as music, video clips, or artwork, believes that content you’ve uploaded to YouTube infringes on their rights. When they file a valid copyright removal request, YouTube is legally obligated to:

  • Remove your video containing the infringing material
  • Issue you a copyright strike as a formal warning

Why do copyright strikes matter so much? If you receive three active copyright strikes within 90 days, YouTube will terminate your account, remove all your videos, and prevent you from creating new channels.

Copyright strikes vs Content ID claims

It’s easy to confuse YouTube Content ID claims with copyright strikes, but they are very different. Understanding this distinction can help you better navigate copyright issues on the platform.

What is a Content ID claim?

A Content ID claim happens when YouTube’s automated system detects copyrighted material in your video. This includes things like music, clips, or other media. Rather than resulting in the removal of your video, the claim owner has options, such as:

  • Monetising your video: Revenue generated from your video goes to the copyright owner
  • Tracking your video: The owner can monitor your video’s performance
  • Blocking your video: In some cases, the owner may block your video from being viewed in certain countries or worldwide

What are the key differences?

AspectContent ID ClaimCopyright Strike
DetectionAutomated system (Content ID)Manual action by a copyright owner
Impact on ChannelNo penalties against your accountStrike added to your account (3 strikes = termination)
Video StatusUsually stays live but may have restrictionsRemoved from YouTube
Resolution OptionsDispute via YouTube or accept the claimDispute via counter notification or contact the claimant

Why Content ID claims are less severe

Content ID claims are much less severe than copyright strikes because they don’t penalise your account directly. They are primarily about revenue sharing or controlling how copyrighted content is used. However, repeated Content ID claims could impact your monetisation eligibility, so it’s still important to address them carefully.

What to do if you get a YouTube copyright strike

Receiving a copyright strike can feel stressful, but it isn’t the end of the world. If you do get one, it’s best to handle it quickly and carefully. Should this situation arise, here are a few options for what you can do:

Option 1 – Wait it out

If you don’t plan to dispute the strike, it will expire after 90 days, provided you don’t receive additional strikes during that time. To complete this process, you’ll need to take YouTube’s Copyright School, which is a short educational course about copyright laws.

Option 2 – Submit a counter notficiation

If you believe the copyright strike is invalid – perhaps your use qualifies as fair use or the claim was made in error – you can file a counter notification.

Note: Filing a counter notification requires you to share your contact information with the claimant, as this is a legal process. If you’re unsure, consult a legal professional for guidance.

Option 3 – Contact the claimant directly

Sometimes, copyright owners are open to resolving disputes directly. You can reach out to them to discuss the situation and request that they retract the strike.

How to stay on top of your copyright strikes

To stay on top of your account’s status, you can check for copyright strikes in YouTube Studio:

  1. Go to the Content tab.
  2. Use the Filters option to locate videos flagged for copyright issues.
  3. Review details in the Restrictions column.

How to avoid YouTube copyright strikes

It’s helpful to know how to handle copyright strikes if they occur, but prevention is the best approach in this scenario. Here’s some guidance on how you cana void receiving copyright strikes on YouTube in the first place.

  • Use royalty-free assets: YouTube’s Audio Library and other royalty-free platforms offer music and sound effects that are safe to use in your videos.
  • Get permission: If you want to use copyrighted material, seek explicit permission from the copyright owner.
  • Understand fair use: Learn the rules around fair use, which can allow limited use of copyrighted material in specific cases, such as commentary or parody.

Wrapping up

Copyright strikes may seem daunting, but they don’t have to derail your creative journey. By understanding YouTube’s policies and the difference between Content ID claims and copyright strikes, you can take the right steps to protect your content and keep creating.

Remember: when in doubt, use royalty-free content, seek permission, and always double-check copyright requirements before uploading.

If you’d like more guidance and information around YouTube, copyright and much more, check out our Support Hub now.