Image credit: Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona

After 14 years of Conservative rule and music industry challenges, what does a new Labour government spell for artists in the UK?

Last week, a landslide victory rapidly changed the shape of UK politics. A new Labour government heralds a fresh approach to the how the country is run. Whilst it remains to be seen how they operate over the next few years, promises have been made.

So, based on the track record of the new politicians in charge of culture and the promises of the new government, what can we expect from the next 5 years for music?

What are Labour’s promises for the UK music industry?

Labour make a promise that under them, “the arts and music will no longer be the preserve of a privileged few”. To do this, they aim to provide jobs in the music and other creative sectors as part of their Industrial Strategy.

The new Labour government will prioritise children’s access to music and education. They promise to support the introduction of new teachers to schools. One thousand music teachers have been lost between 2012 and 2024. With an emphasis on ensuring children’s access to music in their manifesto, music teachers will presumably be part of the push.

Labour promise to launch a new National Music Education Network. This promises to be a network of resources for parents, teachers, and children alike, with information on courses and classes. They state in their manifesto: “Culture is an essential part of supporting children and young people to develop creativity and find their voice.”

To enhance the live music sector, Labour promise to introduce consumer protections on ticket resales. They say that they “will put fans back at the heart of events” with their efforts to stop the limitations and price-gouging from ticket-touting.

The Labour government also promise to tackle the issue of Artificial Intelligence. They promise to support the development of the AI sector in a responsible manner whilst ensuring safeguards within it. They don’t mention the music industry directly in their plans for AI but it will presumably come into discussion. Earlier in the year, the UK government prevented dangerous exemptions for AI that would infringe on artists’ right.

Music Mark worked out that under the last year of Labour rule – 2009/2019 – £127 million was allocated to music education, adjusted for inflation. This year’s funding is set at £76.1 million and has remained the same for 5 years. A new budget should be announced later this year, potentially revealing new figures for music.

Who are the new UK politicians responsible for music?

Kier Starmer is the elected Prime Minister of the UK. This puts him at the head of decision-making for the country. Starmer played multiple instruments as a child, learning the violin with Fatboy Slim before either of them were known. His musical past and push for music education suggests it is an important subject to the Prime Minister, hopefully ensuring the industry’s thriving and protection as priorities.

The UK’s new Culture Secretary is Lisa Nandy. This makes her responsible for the government’s strategy and policy in the music industry, and areas beyond such as Media and Sport. Nandy wrote: “It is an unbelievable privilege to take on the role of Secretary of State @DCMS. The hard work begins today.”

She adds: “From rugby league to Royal Opera, our cultural and sporting heritage runs through our towns, villages and cities and is one of our country’s greatest assets.” Nandy has supported the events industry in the past, particularly during the struggles of COVID. She was outspoken in support of nightclubs and music venues as hardships of the last few years have seen numerous venues close down.

In 2022, she told Times Radio: “Every single town has lost a nightclub they feel very strongly about, that was part of our history and our heritage, in Wigan we had northern soul and we miss all of that greatly. Live music venues that used to sustain bands like The Verve, who come from Wigan, who could gig and play around Wigan, now just have to travel into Manchester to do it, those things have disappeared in the last couple of decades.”

Hopefully, Nandy’s public dismay over the decline of the live events industry will translate into meaningful change to support and foster the music industry moving forward.

What is the UK music industry saying about the new Labour government?

For the most part, the music industry has welcomed the new Labour government and Secretary of State for Culture, Media, and Sport. After years of detriment to the music industry in terms of artist’s rights, support for venues, and music education, any change is welcomed – though understandably with a wary embrace.

Some of the UK music industry’s top figures have written open letters with their congratulations but also with their requests for an improved industry with the fresh air that the new government has the potential to breathe.

UK Music – Tom Kiehl, CEO

UK Music sends its congratulations to Sir Keir Starmer and his team on their election victory, which gives his new government a resounding mandate for change.  

The incoming Labour government has been elected on a platform to implement a plan for the creative sector as part of its industrial strategy. The potential of the UK music industry to contribute to growth must be at the heart of this plan. The music industry is facing a number of challenges, but also opportunities. A strong relationship between UK Music and the new government will be essential to navigating what the rest of this decade brings. 

As a teenager who played the flute, piano, recorder and violin – as well as attending the Guildhall School Of Music – Sir Keir is without doubt a music-loving PM. He has an immense passion for music. It is in his DNA. He fully understands the joys music can bring and, just as importantly, the huge challenges our sector faces. 

We share his passion and the music industry is keen to continue working with him to ensure everyone can benefit from the important life skills that learning a music instrument with the help of brilliant teachers can bring – as Keir himself has acknowledged. 

We have lost 1000 music teachers from our secondary schools since 2012. That poses a huge risk to the talent pipeline on which our sector relies and deprives thousands of young people of an enjoyable and rewarding career.  

We will work with the members of the new government – which has promised to recruit 6500 new teachers – and strive to reverse that damaging decline. 

As the collective voice of the music industry, UK Music already has strong links with Sir Keir’s top team. Our plan is to continue to build on those relationships and work across the political spectrum, including the many newly elected MPs, to deliver real change and further growth for our world-leading sector.

  • Implement the plan for the creative sector in Labour’s industrial strategy
  • Increase investment in music education
  • Reverse the decline in music teachers
  • Support Labour’s promise to recruit 6,500 new teachers

Association of Independent Festivals – John Rostron, CEO

We offer sincere congratulations to Sir Keir and to the Labour Party on their landslide win and are pleased that there’s now a strong government in place that can develop a programme for the next five years.

Our call to Sir Keir and to the incoming Culture Secretary will be for urgent lowering of VAT on festival ticket sales to 5% to mitigate independent festival closures in the UK and sow seeds for growth in 2025. We hope, also, that this government will take forward the recommendations of the CMS inquiry into grassroots music venues.

We want to note that we’re sorry to see Thangham Debbonaire lose her seat – she has been excellent in the role of Shadow Secretary Of State For Culture.

It’s also bittersweet to know that Tom Gray, who has been a brilliant advocate for progressive policies in music, lost out in his attempt to become an MP. We hope he returns to his excellent advocacy and representative work for the music sector. We hope all incoming MPs will now be able to relax for a short while and celebrate at this summer’s array of independent festivals.

  • Lower VAT on festival ticket sales to 5%
  • Implement recommendations from CMS inquiry into grassroots music venues

AIM – Gee Davy, Interim CEO and Chief Policy Officer

Congratulations to the new Labour government on behalf of the UK’s globally celebrated independent music sector. We look forward to working alongside all newly elected MPs and the new cabinet, to achieve the goal of making the regions and nations of the UK the best places to grow and scale a music business and build sustainable careers in music. 

Key measures will include finally including music in the creative tax reliefs on par with those in film and gaming to encourage investment in our world-beating UK music scenes, opening up small business opportunities in apprenticeships, and encouraging responsible development in AI which protects and nurtures UK music and musicians. 

We encourage all MPs to consider the important place music has had in their lives and constituencies, and look to them to support independent music businesses and creative professionals who are essential to the future of brilliant and diverse great British music.

I am delighted to see Rachel Reeves confirmed as Britain’s first female Chancellor, and Lisa Nandy as Culture Secretary. I am looking forward to having the opportunity to work with them both to include music in equivalent creative sector tax credit schemes, such as those in film and games, to drive investment. With Lisa Nandy’s experience in levelling up and international development, we hope she will help drive success for diverse independent music communities in all regions and nations of the UK, and provide strong export support in maintaining British independent music’s global standing.

  • Include music in creative tax reliefs, similar to film and gaming
  • Improve small business opportunities in apprenticeships
  • Encourage responsible AI development that protects UK music and musicians
  • Support regional growth of music businesses

BPI – Jo Twist, CEO

Congratulations to the new Labour government – we look forward to working together to promote our world-leading music industry. 

In line with priorities set out during the campaign, we share ambitions to enable human creativity to flourish, underpinned by a strong intellectual property framework and commitments to support creative education. 

These statements align closely with the five priorities we set out earlier this year and it is only through constructive engagement with industry that the government will deliver on these pledges to the benefit of our collective creative industries.

  • Enable human creativity to flourish
  • Maintain a strong intellectual property framework
  • Support a creative education

FanFair Alliance – Adam Webb, Campaign Manager

I’m personally delighted to see Sharon Hodgson get re-elected. Through her chairing of the APPG On Ticket Abuse, Sharon has been instrumental in keeping the issue of ticket touting so high on the political agenda. 

The Labour Party manifesto reiterated their commitment to capping ticket resale prices and protecting fans from exploitation, and everyone involved with FanFair Alliance will now look to support them in achieving that goal as quickly as possible.

  • Cap ticket resale prices
  • Protect fans from exploitation in the secondary ticket market

Featured Artists Coalition – David Martin, CEO

Congratulations to the new Labour government. Although we offer commiserations to our Artist In Residence David Rowntree, and to Tom Gray, who were both standing for election, the FAC will now look forward to working with a new influx of MPs.  

It’s especially important that we can pick up on unfinished business from the previous Parliament and quickly deliver the much-anticipated reforms to music streaming alongside greater support for the live music ecosystem. 

Music and culture should play a key role in the UK’s future success, so it’s vital that the foundations of our business are reset on a sound and artist-friendly footing.

  • Deliver reforms to music streaming
  • Provide greater support for the live music ecosystem
  • Reset the business foundations on an artist-friendly footing

The Ivors Academy – Roberto Neri, CEO

A music lover leading the new government, with a party focused on economic growth, the creative industries and culture, creates new opportunities for songwriters and composers.

We need the government to truly value songwriting and composing, which have been chronically undervalued. This means prioritising the creative forces behind the music – songwriters and composers – over big corporations and tech giants.

Our agenda is clear: strong intellectual property protections, effective regulation of AI, support for freelancer wellbeing, challenging exploitative industry practices, and nurturing future talent through music education and cultural investment. We’re ready to collaborate with, and challenge, the new government to make this a reality.

  • Prioritise songwriters and composers over big corporations and tech giants
  • Strengthen intellectual property protections
  • Effectively regulate AI
  • Support freelancer wellbeing
  • Challenge exploitative industry practices
  • Nurture future talent through music education and cultural investment

LIVE – Jon Collins, CEO

Having worked closely with the party in opposition, LIVE looks forward to working with the incoming Labour government to deliver on its ambitions of making the creative industries central to national renewal, economic growth and boosting the UK’s reputation on the world stage.

The live music sector generated over £6 billion in 2023, with one gig held every four minutes, but this growth has not been uniformly experienced across the sector.  

It is critical that the incoming Labour government delivers on the Culture, Media & Sport Select Committee’s recommendations for an urgent review of reintroducing a lower rate of VAT on live music tickets and finding other ways to support grassroots music. 

We also look forward to working closely with the Labour government on our shared manifesto proposals to enable UK artists to tour internationally more easily and clamp down on ticket touts, putting fans back at the heart of live music. 

We hope Labour will work with our whole industry to boost opportunities, increase the talent pool and offer a wider range of live music experiences to music fans up and down the UK.

  • Review reintroduction of lower VAT rate on live music tickets
  • Support grassroots music venues
  • Facilitate easier international touring for UK artists
  • Clamp down on ticket touts

Music Managers Forum – Annabella Coldrick, CEO

This should be a watershed moment for the music industry and we look forward to helping the new Labour government deliver their manifesto commitments on international touring and online ticket touting, both areas on which the MMF has led through the #LetTheMusicMove and FanFair Alliance campaigns. 

For the sake of artists and fans, we all want to see quick progress on both these issues. We also hope to see a renewed focus to progress the discussions on creator remuneration as part of the ongoing economics of streaming work at the Department For Culture, Media & Sport, and to ensure that creators’ voices are centrestage in all discussions around AI. 

  • Address international touring issues
  • Combat online ticket touting
  • Progress discussions on creator remuneration in streaming
  • Ensure creators’ voices are central in AI discussions

Music Venue Trust – Mark Davyd, CEO

Music Venue Trust warmly welcomes the appointment of Lisa Nandy as Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport. Lisa arrives into the role at a critical time for live music in our communities, with the opportunity to deliver real, positive, long lasting change that can protect, secure and improve the nation’s grassroots music venues.

We look forward to meeting with her as soon as possible so we can begin the work of getting British music back to its rightful position as the beating heart of our towns and cities.

  • Protect, secure, and improve grassroots music venues
  • Make music a key part of towns and cities in the UK

Night Time Industries Association – Michael Kill, CEO

As CEO of the Night Time Industries Association, I warmly welcome the new Labour government. Your commitment to our sector, vital to the UK’s economy and culture, is appreciated. However, the real work begins now. Our industry faces serious challenges and needs urgent attention to recover from years of neglect through the cost of living crisis and the pandemic.

The night time economy thrives on a dynamic young workforce and consumer base whose energy and creativity are indispensable. Their involvement is vital for our industry’s success and shaping future voters. We must foster their engagement as a priority, and address their needs to ensure a thriving and inclusive nightlife sector.

Our sector must rebuild trust with the new government after years of feeling misunderstood and undervalued, we must work towards changing the narrative around the value of the night time economy, secure stronger representation at all levels, and create a more integrated regulatory system. We must also address tax disparity, reform business rates, protect independent operators, and align VAT with European standards.

  • Address challenges from the cost of living crisis and pandemic
  • Change the narrative around the value of the night-time economy
  • Secure stronger representation at all levels
  • Create a more integrated regulatory system
  • Address tax disparity and reform business rates
  • Protect independent operators
  • Align VAT with European standards