An interesteing new VST, Sylfid-f1 is a VSTi audio plugin based on the physics of…
Search: "synth"
Does your brain need scrubbing out after the weekend? Then you’ll be interested to note…
KVR are forever releaseing neat little bits of software, and for those of you bold… ran a developer competition to build audio plug-ins/applications, the prize fund being donated by…
Can’t afford a Tenori-On? You haven’t got anything to do for the next 10 minutes…
More tools = more versatility = better music, right? So here are some more options…
Musical instrument manufacturers Yamaha have started to expand their electric drum-kit range as far as…
If you happen to be lucky enough (!) to live in Birmingham or it’s environs,…
The 10th annual Music live show will be from the 6th to the 8th of November…
Our second-cousin-once-removed blog, Inappropriate Bunny posted this about Little Boots and her Tenori-on a while…