Congratulations on booking your gig! Now that you’ve secured a spot, it’s time to focus on promoting it effectively to ensure a great turnout. Here’s a guide to help you get started with your gig promotion strategy.

1. Start early

Promotion is most effective when you start prep in advance, so don’t wait! Begin your promotional efforts as soon as the gig is confirmed. A good place to start would be to think back to the last time an event caught your attention—was it through social media, a poster in your town, or word of mouth? Use this as inspiration for your own strategy. Patterns that work for others could work for you too, but don’t hesitate to think outside the box with your own unique ideas.

2. Highlight what makes your show special

Identify what sets your gig apart and emphasize that in your promotion. Is this a release party for a new album? Are you showcasing a new lineup or performing in a new town? Highlight any unique aspects about the event, your music, or your band, and use these points to draw attention and build excitement around the show.

3. Create eye-catching visuals

Your visual marketing materials are key to successful promotion. Design posters, social media posts, stories, banners, and flyers that are visually cohesive and engaging. Remember humans are visual creatures in fact, 90% of all communication is visual, so it’s important to keep all the relevant information, date, time, venue, ticket price, and any age restrictions clearly visible. A great tip is to add a QR code to any posters, linking directly to ticket sales, making it easy for potential attendees to buy tickets on-the-go. 

4. Plan and execute a social media campaign

Social media is a powerful (and often free) tool for gig promotion. Plan a social media calendar and post regularly leading up to the event. Start by announcing the gig, then gradually release more details, such as the lineup or special guests, to keep your audience engaged. If multiple artists are performing, collaborate with them to share the event on their channels. Venues, photographers, and local businesses can also help you reach new audiences by sharing your posts. Don’t forget to use features like adding collaborators or co-hosts to your posts on Instagram for broader reach/engagement.

5. Leverage word of mouth

For local gigs, nothing beats word-of-mouth promotion. Attend other local shows, meet fellow musicians, and talk to people about your upcoming gig. Try printing out pocket-sized flyers to hand out, you never know who you may meet that would want to attend. Building personal connections with local music lovers and fellow artists is one of the most effective ways to encourage attendance. People are more likely to support someone they’ve met in person, and this can foster a stronger, more loyal fanbase.

6. Encourage presale tickets

One challenge grassroots artists and venues face is getting people to buy tickets in advance. Presale tickets are crucial for estimating turnout and ensuring any overhead costs are covered To incentivize presale, offer a discount on advance tickets. For example, if door tickets are $7, offer presale tickets for $5.50. This small discount can be a strong motivator for attendees to secure their spots early.

By following these tips and planning ahead, you can effectively promote your gig and increase your chances of a packed venue on show night. Good luck!

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