Our sync licensing system on YouTube ensures that creators get paid every time their music is used on YouTube. Similar to our YouTube Content ID system, sync licensing will detect the use of music on YouTube and ensure the original artist gets their share.
License compositions on YouTube
Like the RouteNote system for YouTube Content ID, sync licensing automatically detects the use of your music on YouTube and pays the original artist for any uses of their composition.
Protect your music on YouTube
Licensing your composition with RouteNote ensures you are protected and paid every time your music is uploaded in any form on YouTube - ensuring you won’t miss out on earnings.
Monetise recordings and compositions
We work with Content ID to monetise any use of your sound recordings on YouTube. Mechanical licensing also monetises use of your compositions, meaning you could get paid twice for every track.
Easily identify covers of your songs
With YouTube sync licensing we can detect cover versions of your tracks so that you’re earning what you deserve for uses of your compositions.
Earn mechanical music royalties
Earn royalties every time your music is played and see all of your revenues in our detailed statistics page where you can analyse your monthly performance through licensing.
How to get your RouteNote statistics
If you want to find out more about your RouteNote streaming statistics, analytics and reporting data, or how and when you are likely to be paid your royalties, check out our video guide below.
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Track your streaming performance
Track your music’s performance with our graphs that update each month so you have a play-by-play path to follow how well all of your music is doing.