Spotify are trying out a whole new method of music discovery by matching the mood and moment of photos to songs, according to reports.

There are a lot of tools for music discovery available int the age of music streaming, but you’ll be hard pressed to find one that recommends music based on pictures. That is unless Spotify launch a new image-to music tool that they are reportedly testing.

According to reverse engineer of apps Jane Machun Wong, Spotify are trying this out right now. In a tweet at the weekend Wong said that Spotify are working on a feature that will let users take a photo and they will then be recommended music that matches the “moment and mood” of that photo.

She said: “I tried it by taking a photo of the view from my room and it keeps recommending me indie pop for some reason.” Wong has previously uncovered un-released features that Spotify are working on like their Anchor button for creating podcasts.

Thankfully Spotify have also assured that they won’t save or use the photo afterwards. They will simply use the photo to somehow match music to it. They haven’t commented on the feature publicly yet.