Google to support audio ads for publishers to advertise on streaming services such as Spotify, Pandora and iHeartMedia.

Google Ad Manager are adding audio ads for ad-supported music services such as Spotify Free. This allows publishers and advertisers using the platform to easiler launch and track ad campaigns on streaming services. Google will also be adding an audio marketplace to Display & Video 360, their ad-buying platform.

Advertisers can buy ads from Spotify, Pandora, AdsWizz, iHeartMedia, and Triton Digital, and Google plans to add brand lift, which tracks metrics like brand perception, awareness and purchase intent, for audio ads later this year, similar to what it does for YouTube campaigns.

Business Insider

Google will also be including an Audio Mixer tool, which lets advertisers quickly launch campaigns across multiple streaming services, as well as a tool to create ads from scratch similar to Spotify Ad Studio. Brand Life will come later this year, letting publishers track ad brand perception, awareness and purchase intent.

Digital audio advertising was estimated to be worth $2.7 billion in 2019. Google’s efforts in this market should help boost the 2020 slump in advertising.